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Coalition for
Truth & Transparency in Adoption

A 501(c)(4) Organization

Image by Paul Moody

Open Mic

Turns out, relinquishment and adoption policy issues go deeper than most people understand. Help us replace decades of shame and secrecy with truth and transparency in adoption.

It's good policy for everyone. 

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Advocacy News

What's happening at Capitols, Conferences and Courts

Image by Joel Durkee

CA bans unlicensed "adoption facilitators." SB807. See full story. 

SCOTUS leaves Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA) intact. Background story.  

MN Gov. Walz signs SF 2995, (see SF1279) providing adult adoptee records access effective July 1, 2024.

Untangling Our Roots Summit brings together Adoption, Donor-Conceived and MPE communities in first-of-its-kind event .

SD Gov. Noem signs HB 1231, providing direct access to records for adult adoptees.

CTTA president presents with USDCC at historic fertility industry summit in Los Angeles.

Louisiana HB 450/Act 470 signed by Gov. John Bel Edwards. Read the letter to the editor by adoptee and bill sponsor Rep. Charles Owen.

Adoption Trafficking Awareness Symposium features speakers from Chile, Colombia, Guatemala, Haiti, India, Sierra Leone, South Korea, Spain and the Sicangu Lakota Nation

Vermont Gov. Scott signs OBC access bill, aligning pre-and post-1986 laws. View this and more stories.


Is your legislator interested in sponsoring a bill?

Do you know a benefactor who wants to help?

Tell us about it.  

Rock Climbing

General Fund

Our mission is a long, steep climb. Your generous support keeps us strong, agile and proactive.

Significant Numbers

3.4 Million

The estimated number of original birth certificates now available to adult adoptees and their descendants as a result of retrospective changes to state laws over the past 25 years. With an estimated 6-7 million adoptees in the US, the rest can't wait another 25 years.

1.5 Million

The estimated number of girls and women who surrendered babies for adoption during the post- WWII era in the United States, dubbed the "Baby Scoop Era." Most were voiceless, with no legal representation and did so under duress. Similar unethical and murky practices continue across state lines and internationally.


The estimated number of children placed in foster care in the US each year. Some 25,000 youth age out of foster care annually with inadequate resources. Of those, 20% become instantly homeless. Only 50% find jobs by age 24. NPR recently exposed the fact that, in at least 35 states, some 10% who are eligible for Social Security benefits unknowingly have those benefits intercepted by the state.


The estimated number of intercountry adoptees adopted prior to 1982 who are potentially at risk of deportation due to a loophole in the 2000 Child Citizenship Act, which failed to automatically naturalize them as citizens at the time the law was enacted.

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