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Antiquated thinking and prioritizing financial interests over human well-being in adoption and foster care are entrenched obstacles to meaningful policy change. The Coalition for Truth and Transparency in Adoption stands as a resource for members of our community with like-minded goals for effective advocacy and targeted fundraising. Learn more about our current campaigns below.

Support the CTTA General Fund

Strong. Agile. Responsive.

Any experienced advocate knows that, in the legislative arena, things can change quickly. A bill that looks like it is headed for the mountaintop can suddenly become stuck. Unknown opponents with a personal agenda can sabotage hard work. Proactive up-front education and rapid response as a bill moves through the legislature can be the difference between victory or defeat.  Your ongoing or one-time donation in any amount helps us to be strong, agile and responsive as needs arise.

Image by Tommy Lisbin
Original on Transparent.png

Help Develop "For the Record(s)"!

A new musical about adoption, identity and truth

Have you ever thought, "Someone should write a musical about all this stuff!"? At last someone has, and the story and songs are touching people inside and outside the adoption community on a deep level.  FTR was a Colorado New Musical Festival selection and is scheduled for a full staged reading at the Spring 2024 Untangling Our Roots Summit! A portion of any future revenues from the show will be dedicated to support truth and transparency in adoption and related causes.  

GO Wisconsin!

SB15/AB13 by Sen. James and Rep. Tittl

Please see our Quick Q&A for Legislators.

View Bill Information 

The 2021- 2022 WI legislature adjourned several weeks early,  but this bill as introduced would restore access to original birth certificates, sealed from adult adoptees since 1929. Committee members who heard testimony expressed both support and some common concerns. Opponents include a state agency and the Children & the Law Section of the State Bar, who are at odds with current best practices and policies supported by leading national adoption and child welfare organizations. Last session, CTTA partnered with local advocates and the respected government relations firm Hamilton Consulting Group to effect legislative change in Wisconsin. Help fund the 2023 effort  - we need your support today! 

Image: Wisconsin State Capitol rotunda by Cody Coyle on Creative Commons

Palm Trees

GO Florida!

SB TBA/HB373 by Representative Casello

Former Florida Deputy Democratic Leader Rick Stark sponsored multiple bills during his eight-year tenure in the Florida House of Representatives. We are deeply appreciative that  Rep. Casello has stepped up to carry the cause forward. Lobbyist Bill Barrett, who is married to an adoptee, has spent over 20 years in government relations and has also worked tirelessly and effectively behind the scenes pro bono for several years. He has proven his dedication to the cause, and deserves to be paid for his work.  Please donate today, and learn more about the Florida bill on the FLARE website.  

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