"Transparency is seen as the antidote to corruption because secrecy is, if not its cause, then a necessary precondition."
- American Journalist Heather Brooke
News You Can Use
Birth Certificate Bill Championed by Cassano Becomes Law
June 8, 2021
Connecticut Governor Ned Lamont signed a bill June 7, 2021 restoring direct, unrestricted access to original birth certificates for adult adoptees and their descendants. The measure was approved 115-28 by the House and 27-8 by the Senate.
How a new Iowa law will help adult adoptees get birth certificates
May 24, 2021
On Wednesday, Gov. Kim Reynolds signed a bipartisan bill into law that will allow adult adoptees to more easily get the original copy of their birth certificate. Rep. Marti Anderson, D-Des Moines, who gave up her daughter for adoption when she got pregnant at age 19, gave an emotional speech on the House floor in support of the measure.
TN Legislature Unanimously Repeals Contact Veto Registry
April 12, 2021
Tennessee Governor Bill Lee signed into law a bill repealing the state's Contact Veto Registry on 4/7/21, after it passed through the state legislature unanimously and unamended.  Tennessee was the first state to retrospectively unseal original birth certificates to adult adoptees in 1995.
Corruption Watch
Think corruption and unethical practices in relinquishment, adoption, assisted reproduction and foster care are a thing of the past? Think again. Help us shine a light in the dark places by sharing news that comes your way.
Over 20,000 babies estimated stolen from Chilean mothers (USA Today 8/22/23)
Adoption Fraud (Findlaw, 3/20/2023)
Illegal adoptions: Special Rapporteur on the sale and sexual exploitation of children (United Nations Human Rights Office of the High Commissioner)
Spanish babies stolen by network of Catholic nuns and doctors under Franco (NYT 9/27/22)
When an Ancestry search reveals fertility fraud (NYT 2/28/22)
Ex-Strongsville adoption agency owner sentenced for fraudulent adoption of Polish girl, who was brutally raped (Cleveland.com 5/20/22)
Former Executive Director of international adoption agency pleads guilty to fraudulent adoption scheme (USDOJ 2/4/22)
Jury awards nearly $9 million to families in fertility fraud case (AP 4/29/22)
A former fertility doctor who used his own sperm is somehow not the first (ENews: 4/14/22)
FBI Warns the Public About Domestic Adoption Fraud Schemes (FBI.gov: 11/9/21)
Texas woman pleads guilty in international adoption fraud scheme (Justice News: 11/17/21)
How an adoption broker cashed in on prospective parents' dreams (The New Yorker: 10/25/21)
Buying babies in Turkmenistan: "Rampant" corruption drives couples to illegal adoptions (Radio Free Europe: 7/7/21)
The Baby Brokers: Inside America's Murky Private Adoption Industry (Time: 6/3/21)
State Foster Care Agencies Take Millions of Dollars Owed to Children in Their Care (NPR: 4/22/21)
Ex-AZ politician sentenced to five more years in adoption scam. (AP: 3/19/21)
A review of American Baby by Gabrielle Glaser (Goodreads: 1/26/21)
Texas woman convicted of adoption fraud gets two years in prison (New York Daily News: 9/26/20)
Adoption Criminality and Corruption (Huffpost: 3/15/15)
Fraud and Corruption in International Adoptions (Schuster Institute for Investigative Journalism, 2004-2018)